Dearest Friend, Sometimes when you are still enough for long enough, the spiders either forget you’re there or generously open the doors into their secret places and offer a sacred peek into the truth beneath the truth. Don’t believe me? Be still enough. Early one morning last summer, Coos Bay, Oregon, alone in a magic garden, at the edge of my eyes I saw a daredevil spider leap from banyan tree leaf, free fall (outside of time), then catch herself with the rope she had tied around her waist just before she would have been broken to bits by the rocks. I stilled my breath enough to watch her pull herself up, rest for a moment, and do it over and over and over again. Adrenaline junkie. I remember wondering what her surrendering did to her heart rate. I remember knowing, "heart rate" means nothing to her. Most mornings, I wonder if the reward for walking with God - rather than wealth or health or justice or knowing - or even the promise of someday heaven - is the privilege of walking simply and peacefully with God - as he nods occasionally to his creation. I dare you to imagine something better, today or ever, than walking simply and peacefully with God - as he nods occasionally to his creation. I cannot. And I know I am still enough, When I surrender.
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Amazing words, Chris.
I have dared to try, I cannot.